Subsequently you can find a list of tutorials covering a selection of the basic functionality of GTPack. More examples can be found within our book: Group Theory in Solid State Physics and Photonics: Problem Solving with Mathematica.
GTPack basics
- Install GTPack
- Standard representations – O(3), SU(2), SU(2)xS
- Handling of symmetry elements: multiplication, symbols, matrices, etc.
Groups and representation theory
- Installation of point groups
- Installation of point groups and character tables
- Installation of double groups
- Representation matrices and projection operators
- Working with characters and irreducible representations
Angular Momentum
Auxiliary functions
Crystal field theory
- Crystal Field Theory: Stevens operators and Ho/Pt(111)
- mSASS part 1 – d1 configuration in an octahedral field
- mSASS part 2 – the d1 configuration in an octahedral field with spin-orbit coupling